Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand

Hello my lovely blogers and readers. Yes this is a long overdue post that has to go up. I am so sorry for not posting in a long while as this semester is a real hectic one. I am on my study week now and finally got the chance to travel and some time to write about it. So here goes.

I have decided to travel again to Krabi but this time to Ao Nang. It is a very pretty town and full of life. I love it.

How to get there;
We decide to go by mini van which brings us from PENANG-HATYAI-KRABI and KRABI-HATYAI-PENANG. Both ways with about THB1800/RM180. Its not the best option but its a road trip, backpack for sure! *Try book a flight if you have car sick*

Where to stay:
SLUMBER PARTY HOSTEL AND BAR. There are two Slumber Party Hostel in Ao Nang, the one in the beach and the one off beach.
My friend and I stayed off beach, but its only 15-20minutes by foot to get to the beach and Ao Nang civilization. This hostel is so much fun!
They offer free BBQ dinner and breakfast, pretty awesome drinks and even party all night, every night.
So if you are not looking forward to party, dont stay here.
It is also very very clean, with a cubic style beds and the staff are super friendly.
A night per bed would cost about RM50/THB500.

What to bring;
-Light clothes
-Good slippers
-Good liver (drinks are so cheap you have to drink)
-Beach wear/supplies
-Your crazy self
-Stamina to last you the whole night partying

What to do;
- Have breakfast in Cafe 8, serves one of the best breakfast
- Walk to the beach, tan yourself
- Go on an Island trip (We took the tour from Slumber Party Hostel and did almost everything from snorkelling to jumping into the sea)
-Eat ice cream (Movenpick is a good one)
-Get manicure and pedicure done
-Get a massage
-Walk about the streets

-Have dinner in Jenna's if you fancy a fancy dinner
-Have dinner at a local restaurant (they serve the best pad thai)
-Party in Slumber Party Hostel (They are wild)
-Head to Chang Bar/ Disappointment Street for more fun and more parties
-Walk about the night market for shopping
-Take beautiful pictures
- Enjoy the beautiful lights of Ao Nang at night.

Ao Nang is party and solitude as well.
So if you have the time, pack your bags and head off somewhere.
It might change you or even so you might just find yourself <3

Slumber Party Hostel (Orange Building)

Ao Nang at night

Breakfast at Cafe8


Ao Nang Beach

Ice Cream?

Island Tour

It means I love You

Party at Slumber

Cubic beds


For all the love


Sunday, October 18, 2015


Hello my avid readers,

I am so sorry for not updating for a very long time now. School has begun and assignments piling up. I never really had the time to sit and type out a blog. Neither have I gone travelling yet. So today, let me just share a little bit of George town, Penang.

How to get around Georgetown;
-I suggest the hop on and hop off bus (RM 12 to all route)
-A cab to Georgetown. (From USM-Gtown, RM 24)

What to do;

Morning/ a.m
  • Walk around the street art
  • Take pictures of beautiful builidng
  • Have lunch in China house
  • Try the Ice ball (flavoured)
  • Hop in some cool cafe and enjoy the coffee/tea
  • Take the "Beach Street" bus and drop yourself at Gurney
  • Soak in the heritage sites and be amazed

  • If you love just sitting at a cool cafe, head to Monkey Cup (No buses drop by their street, so a cab is the only way to get there) But its worth the shot. Their gipfel is amazing, so does their coconut ice cream
  • Head to Coffee, Tea or Me. This cafe can surprise you with their alcohol and  amazing musics. (Its located just by Love lane and opposite the streets to Reggae Mansion)
  • Best bet for good music to club in Georgetown is definitely Beach Bar at Upper Penang Road. 
  • Enjoy the night Market in Gurney Drive (hawker food is good food)
  • Dine at Sekeping Victoria for a full on rustic ambience and good food. 

So enjoy Georgetown. I am sorry for such a short post. Its all the time I've got. Updates will be soon! All my love

China House

Lunch in China House

My girls

Armenian Street

Ice ball

me and ice cream

only in Monkey Cup Cafe

partner in crime

always crazy


for life


Choose Love

Hey bloggers,

Its been 3 months since my last update and it has been too long.

Recently I have read so many articles on the kind of guy you should pick or the kind of girl you should choose. I've read about choosing the boring one, the quiet one, the perfect one and so many other.

But one thing that is always stated, is choosing the one that love you and respects you. So why do we never write about choosing love instead of what we think he/she is.

Love is something different for each and everyone of us. We describe and see love different than everyone else. But here is one thing I know for sure about love.

When you want to be in a relationship, or even choose "The One" you think is right, it is important to remember that love requires sacrifice, love knows no boundaries and love means kindness and happiness.

Choose love because it requires sacrifice. Sacrifice in terms of making the other person happy. Sacrifice in terms of letting go of certain things about yourself in order for the other person to be happy. When there is no reluctance in sacrificing that little bit of yourself, then you would have know what it means to love.

Choose love because it knows no boundaries. Love knows no boundaries, when you love someone it shouldn't just be about his/her character, whether he/she is boring or bubbly or about the physical appearance. Yes, I belief very much in first impressions, but when you really love some one, you see past all these things and all that you have come to love, is the way he/she loves others. You see him/her as a third person and nothing makes you smile than seeing the way he/she is loving others.

Choose love because it means kindness and happiness. When we talk about love, we feel this warm fuzzy feeling as though the world around us stops and all we see is he/she. Little did we know that love could also mean more than just that. Love is kindness and love is happiness. So to love someone, we must first be kind to ourselves and then to be kind to others. Only when we are kind we would understand happiness and as we all know, we seek for happiness in everything including love.

So why not love? Choose love, because its the closest thing to happiness and it the closest thing we have to describe beautiful.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy , it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonour others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Being Somebody

Hey my faithful readers/bloggers, I know its been a month since I last blog-ed about travels on my so called "self-inflicted" travel blog. However, I am not going anywhere any time soon as I am back in my home town, rediscovering myself. I am planning on a solo day trip in my city soon when I do find the time and I promise I will blog about it.

Whilst is good to be back and assignment free, I am here sapping with my thoughts and thinking about who I really want to be and what my goal is for the coming semester. Stumbling upon a beautiful text on Facebook (refer picture posted), I decide to then type out this blog as a reminder to myself and to just share my thoughts.

We all live in a world where race, gender, money and power becomes an issue. Trust me it happens at anywhere and at any time even in schools, universities worst yet in the working world. Everybody wants to be on the good side of the so called "leader" in order to be somebody, others gather their own troop to form another so called "group". 

I question myself all the time when I find myself stuck in this situation. What would I do? Whose side would I be on? Would I go against my self morals just to be on someone's side or would I be my own self and not be part of any groups? What would have happened to me? Would I be an outcast, if not are these people just treating me nice because there isn't any faults to be found, YET? Then, when the fault is obvious, what happens next?

The real world is though, they say. So am I ready to face all these? Most people take advantages of another person just to be recognize/acknowledge and even just to be seen by another. Yet there are others who do things from the back, gets no credits out of it, keeps quite about it and most importantly doing it with a genuine heart without any intention at all. Cruel world isn't it? Then I ask myself again, would this front forward people be able to do anything at all without these people at the back? Who would I want to be? The person in front or the person at the back?

At the end of the night, after thinking about all of these, I decide that I would always choose to be the person at the back, who would do things genuinely because I love doing what I do and to do things with kindness because that is what my parents has taught me and what my religion teaches me everyday. People have choices of who they want to become and of who they are, regardless I cant change their choices but I can always show kindness, after all actions do speak louder than words. 

I make  mistakes, a lot of them, most of the time. Just like everyone else. Then again, at the end, its our choice to choose, either to learn from the mistakes and change or to learn about it, never change and repeats the same mistakes.

Being somebody isn't important,but being the best person one could be in the eyes of God is more than enough. The world seems to always tell us other wise, everyone is eager to be somebody and we cant deny it. I am far from being the best version of me. REALLY FAR but I am trying, really hard. Therefore, it is important to remind myself every morning that there are people out there waiting to see other being fall, don't be that person instead be the person who lifts another being up because feeling good about yourself inside makes a happier outside.

I am sorry if this post offended anyone but this is a reminder for myself, of who I want to be and what the world is to me, right at this moment. You may see the world differently than I do, but let us just all be the best version of us in achieving our dreams.


Mission for next semester

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Hello lovelies,

It has been busy lately as its the exam week and I am lucky enough to have a week gap to my next paper. So what else is better than a short weekend getaway to Langkawi.

Here are some little travel tips and fun stuff to do in Langkawi. Enjoy!!

How to get there; Air Asia ( I got a return (PEN-LGK) for only RM119) Check on the flights now they even have a promo for only RM10 to Langkawi

Where to stay: Langkawi Dormitorio, Chenang beach is the place. They have funky cubic bed style and the owner Richard and Lin are the most amazing people you will ever get to know. They also do pick-up from the airport. (RM 50 per night and RM20 for pick-up/drop off)

What to bring:

  • Beach towel
  • Light clothes
  • Umbrella (weather is unpredictable. When I was there it rained in the morning as well as mid-night and clear skies after 12pm)
  • Sunglasses
  • Flip-flop/good pair of sandals
  • Big appetite
  • Book
  • Sketch book (I sketch a lot in Langkawi. Each cafe actually have something nice to sketch)
  • Camera ( for random pictures by the street)
  • Bikini
What to do:
  • Have breakfast in The English Tea Room and Coffee Bar. They serve good breakfast and their teas are amazing! Not forgetting their very British ambience. A very good place for good tea and just chill. 
  • Have lunch at Red Tomato Restaurant and Lounge. Their pastas are AMAZING. Full flavour and the owner is friendly. Ambience is very chic and cool. It keeps bringing you back to it. I know it did to me and my friend. It is also a great place to chill at night for a few drinks.
  • Have dinner at The Sunset Boulevard. If you are looking for the most authentic Indian food, I suggest you to eat here. The chicken tikka and mutton vindallo is so so good! This is certified good Indian food (my friend is from Sri Lanka and she knows her Indian food, trust me)
  • If you want a fancy dinner like I did or just some place fancy, then head to The Cliff. Their western food is good and comes with a complimentary red or white wine. The ambience is a five star as you can see the sunset and hear the waves just hitting the shore. Amazing.
  • Chill by the beach at noon or night at Yellow Beach Cafe. It is such a cute cafe and just at the heart of Chenang beach. What more to do then have a glass of juice by the beach?
  • Place to club is definitely Sunba at Pantai Tengah. If you are living in Chenang, it takes about 20 minutes to get there (by feet). But if you have a scooter or a car then it would be less than 10 minutes away. Just beware of the local Malaysian who endlessly try to pick-up girls at the bar even when you are not interested. I suggest don't go there alone or by two. Go with at least in a group of 3.
  • Another place for a drink is called Lepak. It is situated right next to Red Tomato. Their signature XL size Mojito is the bomb. Ambience is so great and getting to know Tracey and their owner Frankie makes the place even more amazing than anything else. 
  • Walk and explore Chenang streets. You would find a lot of nice hippie spots and cute cool cafes.
  • Relax and unwind at Alun-Alun Spa. The ambience is so relaxing it is worth every trip to get yourself pampered. Message was good as well
  • Lay on the beach and sun-tan yourself
  • Shops open late and based on the weather in Langkawi. So dont be afraid to sleep in as the earliest they would open their shops is at 11am/12pm
  • Lastly of course is to buy LOTS of chocolates and alcohol. Tax and duty-free

This trip was a good one. I really got to adapt the "beach life" and just do what I feel like doing. It is a trip worth going. Finding myself and just be connected again to life. 

It is also a trip of friendship. I got to make friends with some locals and they have shown me the inside of Langkawi that I wouldn't have known. Not just that, they even taught me a little something about life and hard work. 

Sometimes, life is just about that. Getting to know new people at your very own country and learning about life from others. I have found more than what I expected in this trip. 

So live life and live for the moment. Just once, so you can say, I breathe!

P/s I dare you to write a note to a stranger. Because I did (left it on his wind shield and run!) :)

Here are some random pictures!


Cubic style dorm



Cool streets

Indian food, happy food

The cliff

Just sketching

Visha my travel girl

Fine dinning

Lepak bar

XL Mojito

The breakfast