Sunday, October 18, 2015

Choose Love

Hey bloggers,

Its been 3 months since my last update and it has been too long.

Recently I have read so many articles on the kind of guy you should pick or the kind of girl you should choose. I've read about choosing the boring one, the quiet one, the perfect one and so many other.

But one thing that is always stated, is choosing the one that love you and respects you. So why do we never write about choosing love instead of what we think he/she is.

Love is something different for each and everyone of us. We describe and see love different than everyone else. But here is one thing I know for sure about love.

When you want to be in a relationship, or even choose "The One" you think is right, it is important to remember that love requires sacrifice, love knows no boundaries and love means kindness and happiness.

Choose love because it requires sacrifice. Sacrifice in terms of making the other person happy. Sacrifice in terms of letting go of certain things about yourself in order for the other person to be happy. When there is no reluctance in sacrificing that little bit of yourself, then you would have know what it means to love.

Choose love because it knows no boundaries. Love knows no boundaries, when you love someone it shouldn't just be about his/her character, whether he/she is boring or bubbly or about the physical appearance. Yes, I belief very much in first impressions, but when you really love some one, you see past all these things and all that you have come to love, is the way he/she loves others. You see him/her as a third person and nothing makes you smile than seeing the way he/she is loving others.

Choose love because it means kindness and happiness. When we talk about love, we feel this warm fuzzy feeling as though the world around us stops and all we see is he/she. Little did we know that love could also mean more than just that. Love is kindness and love is happiness. So to love someone, we must first be kind to ourselves and then to be kind to others. Only when we are kind we would understand happiness and as we all know, we seek for happiness in everything including love.

So why not love? Choose love, because its the closest thing to happiness and it the closest thing we have to describe beautiful.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy , it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonour others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


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