Thursday, May 17, 2018

Luang Prabang, Laos


Its been a while since this blog was updated. Here I am writing to you about my recent trip to Luang Prabang, Laos. More like travel tips? Perhaps. So here goes

How To Get There;

  • Lucky that I manage to grab a decent price of plane ticket.
    Return PEN-KUL-LPQ for RM 300. 
  • Flight KUL-LPQ was only for RM150 return
Where to Stay:
  • A little fancy this time around, my friend and I decided to stay at a 4-star hotel called Maison Dalabua.
  • Beautiful place seated at the world heritage lily pond, it was worth every penny. 
  • Top-rated restaurant called Manda De Lao 
  • USD 164 FOR 3D2N
What to do:
  • Because Luang Prabang is such a small city, quite and peaceful, you can rent a bicycle or walk around the city until you reach the end towards Mekong River
  • Have lunch, brunch or tea at any cute French inspired cafes (Novelty cafe is very much suggested, have a cup of tea and read a book)
  • Visit Wats (Temples) around Luang Prabang city
  • Join in the alms giving ceremony (everyday before sunrise- late morning), it teaches patience, silence and humility
  • Walk along the Night Market streets (Opens every day 0500pm-0900pm, local time) 
  • Eat all the pastries
  • Dine/have a drink at Manda De Lao
  • Eat the infamous Khao Soi and Khao Nom Kok
  • Sit and enjoy the quietness and traquility
  • Bring an umbrella (weather was crazy when I was there)
  • Good pair of sandals
  • Be prepared to feel calm, collected and quite
  • Make sure to change money into USD or Thai Bath (Commonly used), you can only change into Lao Kip once you are at the local area
Luang Prabang is definitely a great place to relax, unwind and forget the busy city life. A great escape to de-stress and rejuvenate! 

Enjoy the pictures! Till next time! :)

Manda De Lao

Novelty Cafe

Mekong River

This girl

Maison Dalabua


Khao Soi

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

10 Things You Realize When Being A Recruiter

Hola mis lectores,

Its been a while since I last wrote anything. As you can tell by the title, you have decide to read about "10 Things You Realize When Being A Recruiter". This is solely my opinion and what I realize while working and being on the path as a recruiter now.

Vamos a ser, no?

"10 Things You Realize When Being A Recruiter"

  1. That you are constantly grateful you have a job. Seeing others finding a job and trying their best, actually sentimentally effects your feelings
  2. You scan through resumes like a "Pro". Top line, academic background and skill. Checked or reject
  3. Your life is not just about calling candidate and posting on job websites. Its calling, posting, offering and hiring. 
  4. NO one understands the tediousness of our roles, because we are constantly smiling. I mean CONSTANTLY.
  5. You are not allowed to be sad even when we get REJECTED (by candidates, after all the process of calling, scheduling interview and even offering a offer letter, we still get rejected) 
  6. You have an inner (customer service) voice that you ONLY use when you call a candidate
  7. You seem to understand many jargon, because Managers sends their Job Description in a whole different language like Auto CAD, PCBA, C, C++ ... (Thank God for Google)
  8. You learn to be patient with everyone and everything around you 
  9. You are patient because everyday you take one step at a time (Most times huge steps, to close your requisition and get the job effectively)
  10. And LASTLY, that satisfying feeling of closing the req in the system and knowing deep down in your heart, you have help in securing a job for that someone!
Being a recruiter is no child's play. It's about teaching you to be humble each and every time.

I hope you find this small article entertaining. I sure did enjoy writing this. If it relates to you, please do share it or if you have any comments do not hesitate to reach out :)

As for now, adios, amigos mios! Voy a escribir de nuevo pronto!

Con mucho amor;

*keyboard not in spanish*

Friday, July 7, 2017

Bali Indonesia 2017

Hello bloggers and faithful readers,

I have been meaning to post this up since I got back from Bali and Europe, however I didn't have much time as I was sorting things out due to what had happened which I will tell you in a bit. I was in Indonesia for about a week and went to Kuta, Bali and as well as Gili Trawangan. So let's get started shall we?

The only way from Malaysia to Bali is flying therefore I've managed to get some really good deals off Air Asia.
PEN-KUL-DPS (Denpasar)
Return for RM 550

There are many tour desk around in Kuta that could bring you all the way to Gili (Air, Trawangan or Meno). Price range up to RUPIAH 2mil. Cheaper = Slower. We got the mid range which was actually perfect.

RUP3mil return Kuta-Gili Trawangan.
Most of the time they fetch you from your hotel/hostel door step and you are own your way!

KUTA; Know your mission in Kuta, if you plan on partying like I did, we stayed right next to Sky Garden (party place) called

J4 Legian Hotel.
Its a nice 4-star hotel but with an affordable price I would say. About RUP9mil for 3days and you can share the room with another friend. So I guess its pretty decent. Breakfast for additional RUP600K. Breakfast is great. Choice of food are fairly good and the pool is great! Worth the money.

Otherwise if you have no idea what you want, its best to stay at LEGIAN street. All the pubs, cafe, shop are at the street.

If you are more of the hustle and bustle, you would like to stay at the main street of Gili. If not you can always rent a bicycle and stay further up from the centre like I did.
Stayed in a small place called Small But Strong Lumbung. Host is amazing and they serve breakfast too for 4days only for RUP3Mil

  • Shop
  • Enjoy the ambience cafe
  • Learn how to surf in Kuta beach (personally I think its only worth it if you stay longer than 3 days in Kuta, because one lesson cant teach you much)
  • Chill by the beach
  • Party in Sky Garden (Its a big complex that serves a all-you-can-eat and drink everyday and a club past 11pm)
  • Enjoy the night life
  • Scuba Dive with Manta Dive school (They are amazing and its worth it, atleast 2 dives)
  • Enjoy the beach
  • If you are not a scuba junkie, go snorkelling.
    (Beware that there are so many people in a group, everyone wants to see a turtle and kicking in your face is a common thing. No offence, especially of those who cant really swim. :( )
  • Go snorkelling because at least they made up to you by taking you to all 3 Gili's and lunch at Gili Air is definitely worth a kick on the face. Gili Air is AMAZING
  • Free diving
  • Cycle
  • Eat seafood
  • Enjoy the chill lifestyle
  • Shisha if you'd like
  • Live for the moment
  • DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT USE their ATM because SCAM and DUPS of ATM is so common in Indonesia.
  • My travels have so far been great until when I was on the train to London (this wass a week after Bali) that someone DUPLICATED my card and withdraw ALL (I mean ALL) my money from my bank acc.
  • So change enough Rupiah to last you for your whole trip
  • DO NOT get scam by taxi drivers or anyone in general
  • Leave your things unattended
I guess on every trip I have been, I said I have learnt more about myself and the experience was great, I guess I say it again, THANK YOU Indonesia for teaching me to adult even more than I already am and that some times some things are out of my control.

Otherwise, life life to the fullest, travel and adventures! 

Till next time!

Say Hi to my main man :)

Kuta beach chill

Best Italian so far

Manta Dive


Friday, May 12, 2017

New Adevntures

Ola mi amigos con mi amigas,

So sorry for the super late update (as always) but there really isn't much that has been going on in my life apart from work and daily routines the past months. Anyway, I am here today to update a little on what has been going on and the plans ahead.

The last few months, I had a great time doing my internship and learning so many new things. Today marks my last day here at Eastern & Oriental Berhad and I am grateful and thankful for all the opportunity, trust and care that was showered on me. Everything felt right and I am in the right place at the right moment for this internship.

However, things are at the finish line and I am happy to say that my future career has been filled with abundant of choices with the privilege to choose what is best for me and my future. I have no one to thank but Him for all the blessing He had showered upon me and I am very excited for what lies ahead of me. I am up for the challenge and ready to roll.

But first, let me indulge myself into a month of self-rejuvenating activities that I love most; travel, beach, sun and sea. To top it off, Bali-Gili in two weeks! Travel tips and updates on it soon. I promise!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a nice day ahead, have faith and just believe.

P/s; I finally decide to have a public Instagram account.
Follow me at @berbersadventures


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The End of University Life

Hey Bloggers/Readers,

Its been half a year since my last blog. Last 6 months had been a really busy one for me as I venture into my Final Year Project as a Project Director and that I didn't travel to anywhere expect Phi Phi Island (which I have blogged about).

Having some spare time today, I thought of just updating everyone of what I have been up
to. Other than my final year project come to an end with a bang thanks to my ever loving team (drama or no drama happening team), I learn that we can never please everyone in a team and that there will always be one person who would try to mess things up. But, that is life. We all learn from our mistakes. I learn that most from the project.

I also cant believe that my university life is ending so soon. Now, I am currently doing an internship with Eastern & Oriental Berhad here in Penang. Not the hotel but the managing company who owns the hotel :) It has been quite a ride doing my internship. I learn that I am actually practicing what I have learn in University, which is great! 2 more month and its time I hot adulthood, finding a job and making it into career life.

Relationship wise, I have a perfectly steady relationship with a man whom surprise me everyday with how silly he can be and who adores me more than I should be adored.

Honestly, I have no one to thank but God for being so gracious to me and for providing me with the necessities in my life. I am so grateful for everything and blessed beyond words for the things I have in life.

That's about all the update I could come up with. I will be travelling soon in May. Fingers-crossed to Hong Kong, Myanmar and Europe, Thailand again on its way.

Stay blessed, happy and healthy!


Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Day On The Beach

Hello my fellow readers,

Its been 3 months since my last update, I have been up to nothing but enjoying making as much memories as I could as its my final semester here in USM. This weekend was a long one, but unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to make a booking to travel any where. So instead, Rowena and I decide to enjoy what we have in Penang and head down to Batu Ferringhi to enjoy the sun, beach and the ocean. Just to reconnect with life again.

I couldn't recommend much other than that no one really do sunbathing on the beach and its pretty dirty, but if you are adventurous then you could do what we did. Just lay open your beach towel in the middle of the beach (find a clean spot) and sun-bath. ;)

Just a little update because my blog seems a bit boring! 

We manage to take some seriously nice picture though. Here are some of the pictures! Enjoy!

Stay beautiful and stay positive! 

Hello sunshine

Kibar, kibar pasir

Random Candid


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

PADI Open Water Dive Course

Hello bloggers/readers!

I am back to share a little about my little adventure in my hometown Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Being so close to the ocean and beautiful islands, taking a diving license is merely a foot step away. Just like every other home girl, I have taken this for granted for 17 years of saying yes I will do it but never did. Giving myself excuses like "Hey, there is always next time." Finally, on 17th July 2016, I took the step and paid for it which by all means I have to finish the course or I will lose my money.

With that being said, it turned into the best 3 days of my life. Diving is definitely different from skin diving/free dive. Which I do so often. Diving is literally breathing under water and 45 minutes underwater feels like 5 minutes. I dare not say that I love diving more than free-diving or vice-versa because the experience from either are two separate experiences. But rest assure, diving is for the brave of heart.

I say breach the fear of deep waters, experience the life beneath and its nothing but pure bliss!


Scuba Junkie Wisma Sabah
*its definitely cheaper that any other trip advisor scuba company, they are generally at the price of RM1200
*book a day earlier, Scuba Junkie get fully booked real fast


  • Towels
  • Extra clothes
  • Sunscreen
  • Motion sickness pills (if you have)
  • Basic essentials

  • Have loads of courage
  • Remember to keep breathing (especially if you are so used to skin-dive like me)
  • Do NOT panic
  • Try and stay calm
  • Trust your instructor
  • Enjoy!
  • Ask loads of questions 


Day 1
Watching videos on Scuba Diving (5 sections)
Knowledge Review
Final Exam (Paper)- General questions that you will learn from DVD

Day 2
Water confinement (10 min water float without equipment)
Dive with equipment on shallow water (Dive skills as instructed by instructor)

Day 3
Water confinement (200M swim without equipment)
Dive deep water (Dive skills as instructed by instructor)
Hopefully pass and get your license!

Go get your license soon! Its definitely bucket list checked for me!
Here are some pictures!

Dive instructor

my buddy, my instructor

Hi Nemo

Prawny touched me

Breath and keep breathing!
