Thursday, May 17, 2018

Luang Prabang, Laos


Its been a while since this blog was updated. Here I am writing to you about my recent trip to Luang Prabang, Laos. More like travel tips? Perhaps. So here goes

How To Get There;

  • Lucky that I manage to grab a decent price of plane ticket.
    Return PEN-KUL-LPQ for RM 300. 
  • Flight KUL-LPQ was only for RM150 return
Where to Stay:
  • A little fancy this time around, my friend and I decided to stay at a 4-star hotel called Maison Dalabua.
  • Beautiful place seated at the world heritage lily pond, it was worth every penny. 
  • Top-rated restaurant called Manda De Lao 
  • USD 164 FOR 3D2N
What to do:
  • Because Luang Prabang is such a small city, quite and peaceful, you can rent a bicycle or walk around the city until you reach the end towards Mekong River
  • Have lunch, brunch or tea at any cute French inspired cafes (Novelty cafe is very much suggested, have a cup of tea and read a book)
  • Visit Wats (Temples) around Luang Prabang city
  • Join in the alms giving ceremony (everyday before sunrise- late morning), it teaches patience, silence and humility
  • Walk along the Night Market streets (Opens every day 0500pm-0900pm, local time) 
  • Eat all the pastries
  • Dine/have a drink at Manda De Lao
  • Eat the infamous Khao Soi and Khao Nom Kok
  • Sit and enjoy the quietness and traquility
  • Bring an umbrella (weather was crazy when I was there)
  • Good pair of sandals
  • Be prepared to feel calm, collected and quite
  • Make sure to change money into USD or Thai Bath (Commonly used), you can only change into Lao Kip once you are at the local area
Luang Prabang is definitely a great place to relax, unwind and forget the busy city life. A great escape to de-stress and rejuvenate! 

Enjoy the pictures! Till next time! :)

Manda De Lao

Novelty Cafe

Mekong River

This girl

Maison Dalabua


Khao Soi

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