Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Koh Phangan enroute Hatyai

Hello my lovelies,

Its been a while since I last posted anything about travel and adventures. That is because I have a really bad internet connection and recently traveled to Hatyai for Koh Phangan, Thailand. 

It was a fun trip and tiring. Lets get to it and have fun reading! 


Since this was an inpromtu travel, it was expensive to travel by air and it was a public holiday. My friends and I managed to grab a mini van from Penang to Hatyai with the price of RM35

It took us 5hours to arrive Hatyai due to heavy traffic at the border. It was tiring as well as we do not have enough leg room in the van. Departing around 4pm we manage to reach Thailand, hungry and exhausted at 0900pm (Malaysian time) 

Due to public holiday travels, we failed to grab the bus to Surat Thani for ferry to Koh Phangan. But instead got a van and ferry straight to Koh Phangan the next day for 1200TBH.

As for return, we manage to grab tickets from Koh Phangan straight to Penang but with alot of stops and tuk-tuk adventures and van changing. We travel by water from Koh Phangan to Surat Thani and then by land to Hatyai back to Penang. It costs us the same price of 1200TBH

In general;
 Penang-Hatyai-Don Sak Pier- Koh Phangan
 Koh Phangan- Surat Thani- Hat Yai- Penang


Upon arriving Hatyai, we manage to grab a tuk-tuk (taxi in Thailand) and head for our hostel. Stayed in Hatyai Backpacker Hostel and is really a beautiful and clean one. 

Where to stay; Hatyai Backpacker Hostel (RM40 per night) 

What to do; 
  • Eat the street food especially their fried stick food and fried chicken served with sticky rice. Must try also include Pad Thai and fried egg with muscles. 
  • Shop, there is so many stalls selling everything from clothes to shoes and toys
  • Walk along their night market (open up till 0300am) 
Since I was only in Hatyai for a night this was all I could come up with.

We left for Koh Phangan at 0630am as it takes about 20minutes from our hostel to the bus station.


As the travel methods got us slightly crazy, we manage to arrive Koh Phangan at 1600hrs (Thailand time) 

We manage to book our hostel the night before and arrived safely at Koh Phangan. 

However, there are different places to stay in Koh Phangan, if you are heading out to where the Full Moon party, like us, I suggest Haadrin because it only takes 5 minutes or so (depending on the area around Haadrin) to the beach.

How to get to Haadrin: From the pier, get the tuk-tuk (100TBH). It takes 30-40minutes to Haadrin (depending on how many stops the tuk-tuk takes) 

Where to stay: We stayed at Gallery Domitory (very close by to the beach and everything) for 55TBH per night.

 It could be cheaper but due to late booking price are hiked up. If its an early booking you could stay at a much better place with cheaper price too. 

What to do: 
  • Hang out by Haadrin Beach and soak up the sun
  • Go to the Full Moon party, atleast once in your life so you say you actually did it
  • Enjoy the music and tourist
  • Eat good Thai food
  • Get a foot and full body massage (especially after math of partying)
  • Drink their bucket drinks. (At least once)
  • Get to know the people
  • Have lots of fun
  • Buy atleast something from the fullmoon party
  • Bikini shopping (really cheap, 250TBH and you can still bargain)
  • Walk around Haadrin and explore the place. (Its like a circle, you always end up where you started)
  • Rent a motor bike if you are up for adventure and staying quite far from Haadrin beach
What you need;
  • Good pair of slippers
  • Good music (travel by land and water takes hours and gets really boring)
  • Really loose clothes and shorts
  • Small bag and wallet for safety when partying
  • Open mind (crazy stuff happens when the full moon party is on)
  • Beach towel 
  • Cash
  • Durable bikini
  • Big heart
I have had a great time and met alot of new people and had tonnes of adventures.

Its good to sometimes just pack your bags and travel just because you want to.

Teaches you patience and lots of lots of love.

Travel like I did (by land and water) if you are up for long hours and adventures. But I am pretty sure train and airplane are as equal!

Have fun if you are heading out for the next Fullmoon Party. 
Party responsibly and just let loose!


Road tripping

The muscle with eggs

Ferry to Koh Phangan

In Hatyai Backpacker Hostel

Hatyai Night Market

Fried chicken served with sticky rice

Haadrin Beach by day

Haadrin Beach by night

Add caption

Chilling on the beach

Almost there

Travel babies

Sun-kissed best kiss

Just being silly


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