Saturday, November 23, 2013

Its November

So hey bloggers,

Its night here in Penang, but some thoughts run through my head and yes i'd like to point out that, people say Uni life changes who you are. But for me as for now its more like discovering what my potentials are and who i really want to be.

In the process i realize that i really love singing and as weird as it sounds i enjoy doing presentations :) other wise i fell in love all over again with my swim team training programme in USM and as for physical and fashion wise i actually got my hair highlighted red and i loooove loooove looove baggy 'Aladdin' pants. 

Someone once told me in class that i dont belong and i dont look like i deserve to be in my course or my minor course, but you know what, hey i am just special. I might not look like one but brains are as equal importance :) besides i really do like arts and performance! 

USM have given me so many chances in alot of things like Rangoli Fest and emcee for indonesian night and upcoming international gala night :) big stuff and i am so glad to be part of it.

Friendship wise i guess that i found soo MANY AMAZING FRIENDS who accepts me as who i am and it's great! Wouldnt have done it without you guys! ConvEx PNK family, Visha, Swim Team, Adikarma, International Buddies and Indonesian friends. Course mates and all :) 

As for above all i rest my case that i would have not done it without God. People say i'd go astray if i dont go to church, i say i have Him in my heart and thats all that matters. He will always be there. I am ever thankful! Thank you Daddy God :)

P/s if you read my blog, the mysterious guy is coming back. Hope to see you if you are reading this (: 

All and all i still miss my besties and have a great night!

Remember its a journey, as you go along do what you love :) 

xoxo Amberstories 
The Red Hairs

Rangoli Fest
Kolam making
The crazy pnk family
They say i am an art student but i am not. But i like art. I do this often

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