Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay soo today i started going to school by my self. My mind was ready and i was prepared to make new friends. It was during the first period that we were asked to go up front to introduce ourselves. The moment i said my name and where my previous school was, everyone stared at me as if i came from some alien school and place. They start calling me ORANG PUTIH (white) because i was tall and very fair. I used to like people calling me that but somehow today i found it annoying and i felt pretty left out. :O The fact that no one seems to speak English and i tried speaking Malay, yet everyone seems to try really hard to converse in English with me. But sad to say, i don't even understand what they are saying to me when they spoke English. I was stared by 77 pairs of eyes today as they were about 78 of us in Sixth form through out the period of 8.30am till 12.30pm. :O

God save me. Have mercy on me. I sat with two weird people today. One Chinese girl who seem to only speak Chinese and stare blankly with mouth wide open! And on the other side, a girl who kept on staring at herself in front of her pocket mirror. All throughout the session of orientation. According to the teachers whom i don't even know their names said the orientation will last till Thursday. Well what more can i say but i wish orientation will be over soon and we get our lasses so i can make PROPER friends.

God please make Thursday come faster and tomorrow a better day than today. Yet i still THANK You for a not soo bad day (: I guess I've had enough for today! *sighs* Another day again tomorrow. All i need is

A little SOLITARY, a  little FAITH and a little COURAGE




  1. :) memang like dat that Fugz. Especially when you're in a new school and new environment, without your best friends around you. Even if I had Margaret and Eileen and everyone else when I started in I.S, I still felt like you did. And yea, I get what you mean about girls who check themselves in front of their pocket mirrors. SIGH~ But it'll get better. After all, God put you there for a reason, right? :) BE STRONG KUAI LO! hahahaha you still know a bit cantonese right? I know you'll survive. Even if you have rough patches, you'll always have God. Read His Word everyday and you will grow spiritually strong that you can withstand everything. And you have ME too :3 asal jangan lupa saya sudah kay? haha <3 and miss you soo much :))

  2. Nah... don't worry.. You're doing fine!! Adaptation is the matter of time. After a while you'll make great accompany. Though it will not be as close as beverly, but you'll fine it. Jia you lor.. Not sure you understand mandrin.. hahaha..

  3. Bev: sighsssss. :( ohh well. I guess so. and anyways. I will be STRONG. because GOD LOVES ME! and i will never forget u! :) miss u too
    Danny: Thank u! i hope soo :)

  4. hehehe.. surprise Beverly..

    anywayzz, look to the cross always.. that's the most comforting sign that you can find comfort in. The older we get, the lesser friends we have. Not that I'm old or something, just that, I slowly discovered that this is the fact of life. Everybody is moving on with their own lives. Things will never be the same, but cherish every moment you have right now, so that when you look back, those memories are worth looking back and they will become a source of encouragement to continue to move on.. wish you all the best in labuan! Buy me chocolate... wakakaka..

  5. Danny: hahahah :) thanks for the advise yaah! :) appreciate it! and i will buy you chocolates. all of u guys :) i will be back for harvest festive holidays!! :)
    Bev: i will be back for Harvest festive!! :DDD

  6. Amber! Sorry haven't been very active at all here. It's kinda late to comment on this post but..oh well! Hehehe. I didn't have much internet connection and still don't but I'm pretty free these few days and decided to read you guys' blog and try doing more than a STINKY job as your best friend. Haha. Anyway, I do hope things have gotten better for you now since it's been a month but just wanna tell you to not worry too much. New environments are so unpredictable and you never know what will happen. Trust me - I know how it feels being a new student and trying to make friends. It's actually normal to find some PRETTTY weird people along your way. Stay strong and I would be lying if I told you that you will never feel lonely but hang in there! Think of it as God's way of helping you be a stronger person. Coz it is. ;) Love you!

  7. itss never too late for ur advise andie!! :') heheheh. looove u too!!!
