Thursday, April 21, 2016


Hello my lovely readers,

It has been a while since I wrote and update anything. Pretty bad, I know. I wouldn't lie that there are days when I am typing out paragraphs after paragraphs just ranting but then decided not to post it because its so cliché of me or because I just think I am being overly emotional.

But I guess its the only subject matter that comes to my mind. I apologies in advance, for starting my first entry of this year with my late night overly emotional rants. So here it goes.

Recently, I watched a video about true love and about how everything we do to let go and let our significant other grow. I remember growing up, that no matter how much mama and papa fight, they never let go of each other. The whole idea of true love then makes sense to me. When one is married, they make a vow to love each other through it all. But dating, dating is a whole different game, it's where everything can be stop or ended because there is a gap of not wanting to give and take or maybe just simply because they don't make each other happy any more.

Here is my understanding though, that true love means loving yourself and letting another person to love you for all of you. Another person's happiness becomes your happiness too. Lust and love are two very separate feelings. One can never say they love another because of lust but one can love without lust. So if you are going through an emotional roller-coaster ride right now on your relationships or you just ended a relationship, just remember that if you were meant to be, then you will find your way back to each other.

So for all the broken hearted out there or the ones that are simply still finding yourself, I just want you to know that I feel the same way too. Lost sometimes, happy most of the time then sad on another time. This does not mean that we are bound to be alone, just because we don't have another person next to us yet/any more.

It just means that we are still learning to love ourselves more and learning to grow in ways we have never grown before. Experiences makes you a stronger person and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Most importantly, its a comfort to know that your happiness is God's happiness and His love is yours to receive.


Here are some pictures of my latest mini adventure.

Short trip to Langkawi with my sff

Free diving and snorkelling = Life


Beach life, for life

1 comment:

  1. <3 I'll always have your back, fugz. And everything you said on this post is true...At least to me, it is. :) Call me whenever you're feeling down. I'll still be on the other line no matter what.
