Monday, February 17, 2014

Sports & Other Things

Hey there bloggers,

At one point in every swimmers life, we would come across a point where we no longer want to compete. We would swim but would not compete. 

As a "retired" swimmer as i am, i was asked to compete in my country university sports competition which is held every 2 years. SUKIPT as it is called was a big event held especially for all undergrad and grad students to shine especially in sports. 

Competing in 3 swimming event with 1 individual event i couldnt imagine myself winning with the fact that i have stopped training for 5 years. In other words, i didnt win and same goes to my relay team but we were proud to compete with olympic and national swimmers. 

The experience is something i'll never regret and meeting new friends and old friends makes the competition a memorable one :) 

Thank you God for everything and USM for the oppurtunity. 

Up next is to train hard for my upcoming event. Once a swimmer and always a swimmer. I guess i never really quit swimming afterall. 

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