Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignments, cultural night and family

Hey pretty and awesome readers,

I just feel like updating a little about whats up with my life. Its like you know when you just feel like getting things out of your mind. 

Sooo, yeah lets start up with assignments. They are pilling up like literally up. Got one started and the other come. Need to get my head on it now. But guess what i still do my swimming dancing and even online. Feeling guilty about it but i PROMISE to start. Ohhh and i think i MUST START PRAYING MORE OFTEN NOOW. 

As of recently, i got involve with the Indonesian Student Society here in USM and its sooo much fuun having to be part of it. I was the floor mc and even my close senior was the mc. I was the MUA that night and i was very happy to be able to make people look pretty! Thank you soo much to Dian my indonesian friend and Gideon also from indonesia not forgetting Bariqi. I am sooo blessed. They are all sooo friendly and beautiful people. Just amazing. 

And my never failing ConvEx family. For always always sticking around. I really couldnt ask for more than this. :) 

Life definitely has been good soo far with few ups and downs but i am trying not to be to contented. I waNt to see the world more than it is. Learn more. Be a part of something and change for the better. 

Thank you Father! Your plans i will endeavour and i shall praise you even in the storm :) 


Friday, October 11, 2013

Marc Joel Bansh and 20th Birthday

I was planning to blog about my birthday this year but i am certain that this is more important than anything else.

To my first big brother, to the first boy i fought with, to the first boy my sister had a crush on and to the boy who saw me grew up. 

Word could not express how i feel now, but tears flow. It naturally comes. I am so sorry, sorry for not keepig in touch. Sorry for being unable to say sorry to you in life again. I wish we could talk like we use to before and i thank you soo much for taking care of me when i was small. Those memories remain as the fondest of all in my life. You'll always be a part of my heart but God loves you more Marc Joel Bansh. We love you too. :') RIP

As for my birthday, i got pranked that a friend were to died but it was all a prank. They bought me birthday cake and gifts. I couldnt as for more. It was a great 20th birthday. THANK YOU GUYS.

I am sorry i couldnt help myself to write more about it but my heart sets out for my childhood brother Marc. 

But i am pretty sure my pictures will explain it all. 

Lastly, appreciate those around you even if it was just aqquintances. They meant the world. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September gone, new october begin

Morning internet world, faithful readers or maybe even first time readers!

Here are some summary about what has happened or what is currently happening in my life. 

     • I am in a university. Communication, minor psychology student

     • Got involve with our uni art group called Adikarma, got involve with the swimming team, ExpoConvocation, scuba diving club, Catholic Undergraduate Society and thats about it i guess. Ohhh wait and busking *for the first time* Would love to do it again! This time maybe with a girl partner. Lets just say people talk if its a guy. Hmmmmm 

    •  Met alot of friends. Different style, background, attitude but nonetheless are all really nice and warm at heart. 

    •  Since i've only got these few minutes to spare, i have to say that i miss my two really amazing best friends and i have been eating alot lately. 

   • As in conclusion, i wish you all the best and pray that october would be as awesome as every other month this year. Thank you Daddy God for all the blessings and I love You. Your grace is enough for me. 
