Friday, July 8, 2011

Stay Beautiful

School. Is the word for this blog(: As much as i previously said how awkward school was.. Well it still is. But the difference is that now i have friends. Helpful, annoying, cute, pretty, funny, honest, helpful, talkative and all sorts of friends, they have a different heart, thoughts, voice & size, but they all live in a small place called Labuan. :) Its great to know how people here can be soo different from places i've lived and been. Lets talk a little about school and subjects. Well, I am currently taking Economics, History, Business, General Studies, Malay & MUET. Economics can be hard at times especially Microeconomics. But its because our teacher uses his book a 1998 publisher and we are using 2010. So in advance we don't really understand what he's teaching but after all its easy if you read and understand and assignments done :) History is the most tiring among all. Assignment given in every single class!! :O My hand and fingers ache just to finish the assignment given. Business can be fun IF and only if teacher is in a good mood (: She's after all very nice towards us (: General studies well for me by far the best! I've got to learn allot in general studies and its such a great subject because it made me realize the important of general studies (: Getting to know my countries and all things general :D Malay is okaaay. but i somehow still wish if only there was Literature :(. Overall studies are treating me well.

Yeap so this is how i look like every morning

Generally, i've been selected as a school prefect and its quite interesting how prefects are chosen. :D hah well i guess that's my luck!
Having good time here with studies, life and friends but well deep inside i miss KK. I miss my Andrea & Beverly. (: I cant wait to see them as soon as i can! <3 u both!! And to my current close friends Fasyah & Vivi, THANKS for everything :) Stay close!

To both Andrea & Bev, Take good care of yourselves and I LOVE YOU! <3

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