Friday, August 9, 2013

Here's to August rush and July lullaby

Hey my bloggers and readers,

Its August and in less than two weeks i am heading off for university. Sitting here alone and thinking, i actually realize how far God has brought me in life. 

From the time when i had mum and dad aroud, to the time when i lost all that i thought i had then to moving into a new place and having to learn about friendship. Up until today i couldnt have thanked Him enough. 

I remember talking and crying in the car with my best friend, sounding all so selfish and ugly, its the fact that she understood what i felt and the fact that i am growing older makes me feel so grateful today. 

What if, i mean what if one day i am gone from this world? Or on the hospital bed waiting for my time to come? Would i be able to say that i have lived my life to the fullest or would i say i have been lying all my life. 

I want to be able to smile and know that i gave my best. I have enjoyed the time given. Uni preperation is on going. So much to do and time is running out faster each day. 

God, you never failed to put me to places i've never been, let me meet people i've never met and they meant the world to me now. I am very excited yet scared to head off to Uni. To start all over again and to build new friedship.

Yet i know today that, You always give. Give everyone a chance to start a new and hope with Your grace and mercy to endure life as it is. 

I couldnt have asked for more. Thank you God! I love you! 

I love you Andrea & Beverly

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