Sunday, November 6, 2011

God Precious Gift

              My first blog in November 2011. Its midnight and yes i cant sleep because i had my afternoon nap so instead of keep clicking the "HOME" button on Facebook i decide to write a blog. (:  You know, when in my previous BLOGS i actually said how much people DISLIKE me in SCHOOL and how i couldn't fit in with other people, well the problem is SOLVED. All i can say is that words spread because of PEOPLE'S MOUTH. Things that are true but NOT ENTIRELY true. Well it is all cleared up now and EVERYONE admit their wrongs and we all in this together again. What I'd really like to emphasize here is that , when we talked or decide to talk about someone in near future, we should make sure we are clear of what we are talking about. Just don't go saying stuff that you are not sure about. Don't ever make another person hates another because its of no use. Really. You are just hurting someone else and even if it makes you feel better at the end of the day when you look in the mirror YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE PROUD OR HAPPY OF. Conclusion is: "If you never like being treated that way than don't do it onto others".
              In the midst of this heart-aching days that i have been through i can PROUDLY type this down that God never leaves us alone. Just when i thought it wasn't fair that i have to go through all this alone, God sent me Angels around me telling me what to do, what to say and how to react. Its hard to SAY it out or CONFESS it but I did and i am happy i did it. It got me thinking why. Why is God putting me through all these? Is He really getting me ready for the real world in near future? Why do i have to go through this at this age? As i paced back and looked at other people's life that I've seen and been through with, they all faced greater challenge than i ever did. People might tell me i lost my parent and got back-stabbed by friends and that's tough but what they don't see is what i saw. As i looked through pictures of me and my best friend in the midst of tears and anger, God sort of told me inside my heart that they've been through more than i could bring myself to imagine being in their shoes. What I've been through might be a great fraction in my life. But what they've been through might just be a big fraction in their life too. Something they'll never forget. Just like me. That is what makes us so special. That is what makes us BEST FRIENDS.
           We are not PERFECT but we try hard to be one. In the end, its our scars that makes our relationship stronger. Its our scars that made us who and what we are up until today. Everyone has scars in their life and it is through these scars that we learn what its meant to live life. Life is all about having wounds and learning to heal them. Even though there are scars and its ugly, at least we could held our heads high and  proudly say "I'VE BEEN THROUGH LIFE". As a human, life ain't perfect and never will be. God doesn't always give us perfect life. There are days when its perfect but not always. Why? Because in the midst of the imperfection of our lives is where we truly FIND Him.  God knows the emptiness in our souls and He knows how much its going to hurt us when we fall. When i looked back, i tell you, I fall but NEVER hit the ground because He is there to catch me every time i fall. He stood there when i cried my heart out, He stood there when i say i am tired and couldn't go through this anymore and He still faithfully stood there when i questioned Him why He let BAD THINGS HAPPENED TO ME. He let tough situation to hurt us so much so that it hurts Him to see us getting hurt. He lets things happen so we could know that He is there and that He love us. 
          I am God's precious gift in this world and so are you. Just look inside your heart and find Him or look at the sky/people around you, you'll find Him in the midst. He is always there.

Smile for life is worth living for and love and forgive for that is what makes a living (:

Thank you ANDREA, BEVERLY and aunty JACINTA. Couldnt have done it without you! xxx
Have a little solitary in life. It helps.
